Marketing Your Race NightOnce you have decided to run your race night why not use the internet to let everyone know about your event. The first thing you can do is create a web page that gives details of your event. There are many free web sites that you can use. This page contains details Free web hosting suppliers, if you have any other suggestions then please do let us know. Next thing to do is get together the e-mail address of all of the people that you would like to invite to your event. You want to get your message out to everyone that you can think of to maximize the number of attendees. This page contains suggested e-mail invite. Please feel free to use this suggestion or make up your own. You may the want to use some good old fashion posters. Why not use our on site race night poster builder. This is a very simple tool that allows you to quickly build a professional looking poster in minutes. This site contains many suggestions on how to maximise your race night income, but the biggest money maker in the whole package is the programme or race card. We have a selection of different race cards that you can use in our race night download section. This includes race cards/programmes, race night double cards, all of our paperwork, an easy tote calculator which will work out your odds for the racenight. If you were to run an 8 race event and can get sponsors for each race @ circa $50 that will earn you $400. If you then sell each of the horses in the event for $10 each that will earn you $640. This means that you can make over $1000 before a single race has been run. This is all possible but you need to do the leg work in advance of your race night event. We are always keen to help as many of our clients as we can and always welcome suggestions that you have found useful to make you event run smoothly. If you have any suggestions, artwork, spreadsheets or anything that helps make money for your event and you are happy to share these suggestions then please do let us have the details - contact us.
Pig Racing Fund Raiser |Company Info І Build A Poster І Call or Write to us І Downloads І Forth Coming Events І Fund Raising І How It All Works І How Much Will We Make І Maximizing Income І Organisation І Linking to us І Ordering І Pricing І Site Map І Terms & Conditions І What Our Customers Say І Race Night І Links Click Here І Racecourse | Race Nite | Pig Racing Race Night| Snail Racing | Snail Race Globalracenight LLC offers an amusement event that should not be used for the purpose of illegal gambling. If your group intends to use real money for fund-raising, please check with your local authorities regarding their permits, rules and regulations. All users of our service agree to check with the local authorities to ensure that the event that they intend to run is within the law. Users of our service agree to our terms and conditions and the placing of an order is the clients agreement to our terms. ©1996- All rights reserved Globalracenight.com |